WorkShift, a future of work blog by Stadium

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How the Future Of Work Has Affected Hiring

Job searching is more than vying for your dream role or being piqued by an intriguing list of responsibilities. It’s a more holistic approach with thought given to role growth, insurance benefits, wellness benefits, and more. However, this approach requires tricky navigation of the job market as you try to align with the ever-changing landscape of work. While you think you may have perfected the balance between aesthetic and technical on your creative resume, things are already changing.  Of course, the job market is heavily influenced by economic factors, but it’s undeniable that the future of work has added a massive societal influence.

The future of work means organizations have to strategize and prioritize their benefits in order to retain top-notch talent. In-person jobs meant being able to offer in-person perks like free snacks, company Happy Hours, and expansive offices as competitive benefits. However, with the future of work shifting job seekers into working from anywhere roles, it’s time to rethink what employees want.

Employees want to work from anywhere

While benefits are subjective, companies may feel inclined to offer working from anywhere or flexible working arrangements in order to attract talent. After Airbnb offered the ability to work from anywhere, its careers page skyrocketed to 800,000 views. Technically speaking, working from anywhere means not being restricted to one place of work. Emotionally speaking, being able to move around to get those creative juices flowing will do wonders for your physical and mental health. It also means being able to adjust and tend to your personal life if needed. 

Employees crave employee wellness initiatives

The future of work has changed hiring by leading the change in employee wellness to go beyond the bounds of the office. No longer is employee wellness and employee perks seen as a nice addition but as a prerequisite. Employee benefits like snack perks, technology stipends, and mental health resources are true game changers. It communicates that an organization values its employees beyond a work capacity, that you truly want them to tend to their lives as they take on the day’s work. 

Culture is now a must-have

Hiring has also changed by giving jobseekers the space to be more authentic. Going from in-person meets to remote work means getting to see your coworker in a different light, outside of a ‘work persona’. Replace the office backdrop for their living room backdrop and you’ll find that you discovered things you didn’t know about your coworker before. Their house plant? They actually have a green thumb and have been growing plants since 13. Their dog? A rescue dog from their trip to Arkansas a few years ago. Their side hustle? Crocheting–a hobby they picked up just recently. 

With the future of work impacting hiring, it’s not the role that influences the jobseeker into hitting “Apply”, but the company itself. Hiring has evolved as employees actively seek out companies that resonate with them, from mission to cultural values. This ultimatum is simple: Company values act as a roadmap for a company, hence this new importance of company values. For example, values like teamwork may encourage employees to work cross-functionally while empathy may make employees comfortable enough to be their authentic selves.

The future of work is all about a shift to employees defining work and being the focal point, instead of work defining employees. This trickle-down effect on hiring is a positive force that has brought on working from anywhere, employee perks, and an emphasis on company culture. Hiring changes in the job market may usually be daunting, but these welcome changes are transformative and get to the heart of what the future of work should be: human. 


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