WorkShift, a future of work blog by Stadium

The Future of Work: Are Robots Taking Over Our Jobs?

Future of work is portrayed as human hand and robot touch

There has been an undeniable shift in how and where we work. This has been trending over the past decade or so and evolving and coming to light with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The future of work lies heavily on remote teams and businesses adapting to the concept of allowing their employees to work from anywhere. 

While it’s relatively safe to say that robots and AI technology aren’t taking over all jobs anytime soon. With the advancements in many areas of computer-based work (such as marketing), you can see why people might worry about the future of work 2023. Generally, you can expect the future of work, at least in the scope of the upcoming year, to feature global companies continuing to push remote work. We expect to also see a combination of computers and humans catering to the consumer. 

For businesses of all sizes to stay in line with consistent changes, it’s crucial to consider the future of work company goals. Genuine flexibility is key. As you can easily promise the ability to work from anywhere in your company description and job postings. Still, if you fail to offer it, you’ll be unable to back up company claims of an ideal work environment. 

For example, Atlassian boasted company workplace flexibility for the world to see. They then backed it up with numbers. Sharing early last year that around 300 employees moved out of the country since launching their company-wide “Team Anywhere” program. Today, 40% of its staff lives more than two hours away from an office location globally. 

While these numbers aren’t achievable overnight, they’re absolutely within reach for companies of all sizes. In short, to remain competitive, your business must embrace agility. 

Work Trends

Woman demonstrates the future of work as she works remotely on the beach

Understanding workplace trends is one of the first steps to ensuring your business stays current and in line with the competition. Navigating the future of work trends can be very overwhelming. Tools like WorkShift by STADIUM can help you with a personalized approach to helping you make changes where you need them. 

This enlightening future of work report by Forbes, features the top 50 entrepreneurs and thought leaders shaping the current conversation around how businesses ask their employees to work. Stacked with business giants like IBM (who currently does not require a four-year degree for 50% of their job openings) to newbies like Airbnb, who allows their employees to work from (literally) anywhere without a reduction in pay. This report goes into detail highlighting work trends and where you can expect them to lead. 

However, the start of the pandemic was challenging for Airbnb. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky gave an incredibly transparent view into layoffs, losing 80% of business almost immediately. Today, he partners with local governments to create hubs that make working easier for digital nomads. This aligns with his company policy while also providing an eye-opening view into the future of work.

It all begins by doing away with a passive mindset, as you cannot possibly stay put and remain competitive. As the Great Resignation so blatantly points out, the average person is done working merely for a paycheck. The balance of work and life must be present for an enjoyable existence, regardless of how much you love your career path. 

Workforce Trends

As workforce trends continue to progress toward employee freedom, you can expect HR trends 2023 to stay on that path. Accessibility to life outside of work brings heightened employee productivity. It will be an essential component moving forward, hopefully, included in all possible jobs of the future 2030. 

Automation and artificial intelligence will play a significant role in how we run businesses in the not-so-distant future, which could skew the future of work skills in a technologically advanced direction. Access to technology for employees will be non-negotiable, and businesses should prepare accordingly.

Workplace Technology

Workplace technology will only continue to advance. As we continue to find ways to automate the tasks we no longer have time for, discovering automated processes and automation tools that help us focus on the critical aspects of business, like customer service, evolution is inevitable. 

We can also expect technology to work alongside us within the customer journey realm, from multi-channel communication to automated messages. When done correctly and transparently, we will learn how to streamline the consumer experience to our advantage. 

Automated Scheduling

Automated scheduling has taken over various business aspects, from employee schedules to client meetings. It’s a massive component of automated solutions and automated reporting. This allows you a better insight into how your company is performing and where your customers and employees stand. 

Automating schedules is a fantastic example of how technology and humans can and will work together as the future of work revolutionizes. It’s less about replacing people and more about teaching humans how to elaborate on the knowledge the technology provides. 

What Does the Future of Work Look Like?

Woman working remotely from home

Businesses and employees around the world continue to ask what does the future of work look like? Events like the CIO Future of Work Summit can help you prepare for the expected changes in the coming year, making planning easier by tackling one year at a time. 

A future of work conference is a fantastic way to bounce ideas off presenters and fellow business owners. Another excellent resource is The Future of Work Compulsory, by Martha Wells, available on GoodReads. Each of these resources will point you down the path you need to take toward the future of work.

The Future of Work and WorkShift

At WorkShift, we know the future of work includes working from anywhere, distributed teams, employee appreciation, and inclusivity. We’re here to help employers achieve just that. Offering services to help you create valuable content that will resonate with all your employees, regardless of where they work. 

Employee outreach has never been more crucial to company survival, so contact us today for details! We can’t wait to lead you to the future. 


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